Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Journal 3: Keeping The Peace, NETS V

Levinson, M. (2009). Keeping the peace. International society for technology and education, 37(5), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=February_No_5_4&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4495&ContentID=25237&DirectListComboInd=D
The article describes a community torn between whether or not middle school students should or should not have the privilege of operating a laptop at home and at school, which was provided by the school. There is an upset by some parents who feel that the children need more restrictions on the usage of the laptops. One side of the controversy feels that information and technology should be readily available and the other feels that the laptops are not being used appropriately. One student was showing a view of his mom in her nightgown to one of his buddies. Internet messaging is the underlying issue that has sparked the parent and teacher’s fury. The resulting negotiation was to block the iChat feature on the laptops. The issue had turned to a violation of freedom of speech debacle. The article also has statements made by each side of the argument. As a result, there are steps now in place to prepare all parties involved in advance. The article covers the new strategies in a boot camp to orient the students; connections with an organization focused on media and helping families make informed choices regarding media. There are training sessions available on how to research online, technology workshops, parent workshops in place to connect laptop use between home and school, an acceptable use policy, that must be signed, and the IM program has been limited to school-permission only use.

1.If the student should miss the boot camp orientation will there be a make up opportunity? Yes, the school administration will have the demonstration saved as a presentation in a PowerPoint style document that can be retrieved my faculty, parents, and students. This will also be available for a point of reference.
2. What are the consequences for misuse? The consequences will be based on the offense. Community service may be implemented for serious negligence.

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